KUAM’s In the Mix Interview!
May 16 2014 Tags: Kickstarter, Outsmarting Manet
Si Yu’os Ma’åse to all our backers! We have had a lot of wonderful things happen since our last update. Make sure to like our facebook page to be updated on the project.
70% funded mark!

With only 3 DAYS left we’ve made some big leaps to get to the 70% mark and we’re almost there. Let’s keep the momentum up!
A huge thank you to our latest backers:
Nicole Kawabata, Christy Quitugua, Jen Camacho, Jamie Szafranski Peters, Barbara Hattori, Janet Yamashita, Ashley Sudo, Mike & Jovi Ady, Roy Duenas, Deb Kennedy, Jay Rojas
KUAM’s In the Mix Interview!
LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! For those that missed last night’sKUAM News, we were featured on their In the Mix segment! Thank you to Joan and her crew for giving us the opportunity to share our project with their viewers. Our community on and off island is something special.
Un Dangkulu Na’ Si Yu’us Ma’ase
Si Ken yan Angel
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